“…The rosé wine collection exhibited large color differences from almost white to light red, covering the entire range of shades described in the Color Chart from the Centre du Rose ® (Centre Du Rosé.fr., available online: https://centredurose.fr/nuanciers-vins-roses, accessed 30 January 2022). It should be emphasized that there is no definition of rosé wine based on color and examination of color values reported in the literature for red and rosé wines show large variations and overlapping (e.g., L*: 28-70, a*: 28-52, b: 8-36 in reds [18]; L*: 38-45; a*: 48-52; b*: 24-28 in rosés [15]). However, much lighter colors have been reported in other studies (L*: 79-86, a*: 17-25, b*: 8-9 [16]; L*: 92-95, a*: 2-5, b*: 7-11 [11]) and the light "salmon" shade, which is characteristic of Provence wines, is generally the leader on the global market although consumer preferences may vary between regions [1].…”