For p ∈ N, a coloring λ of the vertices of a graph G is p-centered if for every connected subgraph H of G, either H receives more than p colors under λ or there is a color that appears exactly once in H. Centered colorings play an important role in the theory of sparse graph classes introduced by Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez [27], as they structurally characterize classes of bounded expansion -one of the key sparsity notions in this theory. More precisely, a class of graphs C has bounded expansion if and only if there is a function f : N → N such that every graph G ∈ C for every p ∈ N admits a p-centered coloring with at most f (p) colors. Unfortunately, known proofs of the existence of such colorings yield large upper bounds on the function f governing the number of colors needed, even for as simple classes as planar graphs.In this paper, we prove that every K t -minor-free graph admits a p-centered coloring with O(p g(t) ) colors for some function g. In the special case that the graph is embeddable in a xed surface Σ we show that it admits a p-centered coloring with O(p 19 ) colors, with the degree of the polynomial independent of the genus of Σ. This provides the rst polynomial upper bounds on the number of colors needed in p-centered colorings of graphs drawn from proper minor-closed classes, which answers an open problem posed by Dvořák [1].As an algorithmic application, we use our main result to prove that if C is a xed proper minor-closed class of graphs, then given graphs H