The recent outbreak of CoVID-19 is declared as a global public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization (WHO). A fresh figure of 2268011 positive cases and 155185 death records (till April 18 th 2020) across the worldwide signify the severity of this viral infection. CoVID-19 infection is a pandemic, surface to surface communicable disease with a case fatality rate of 3.4% as estimated by WHO up to March 3 rd 2020. Unfortunately, the current unavailability of an effective antiviral drug and approved vaccine, worsen the situation more critical. Implementation of an effective preventive measure is the only option left to counteract CoVID-19. Further, a retrospective analysis provides evidence that contemplates the decisive role of preventive measures in controlling severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003. A statistical surveillance report of WHO reflects, maintaining a coherent infection, prevention and control guideline resulted in a 30% reduction in healthcare-associated infections. The effectiveness of preventive measures completely relies on the strength of surface disinfectants, the composition of hand sanitizer, appropriate material for the manufacture of personal protective equipment (PPE). This review enlightens the various preventive measures such as a suitable selection of surface disinfectants, appropriate hand sanitization, and empowering the PPE that could be a potential intervention to fight against CoVID-19.