In recent days, skin cancer is seen as one of the most Hazardous form of the Cancers found in Humans. Skin cancer is found in various types such as Melanoma, Basal and Squamous cell Carcinoma among which Melanoma is the most unpredictable. The detection of Melanoma cancer in early stage can be helpful to cure it. Computer vision can play important role in Medical Image Diagnosis and it has been proved by many existing systems. In this paper, we present a computer aided method for the detection of Melanoma Skin Cancer using Image Processing tools. The input to the system is the skin lesion image and then by applying novel image processing techniques, it analyses it to conclude about the presence of skin cancer. The Lesion Image analysis tools checks for the various Melanoma parameters Like Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter,(ABCD) etc. by texture, size and shape analysis for image segmentation and feature stages. The extracted feature parameters are used to classify the image as Normal skin and Melanoma cancer lesion.