Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of whitefly and thrips lure in yellow stick traps in major horticultural crops in IRD station, Dahachowk & Nala, Nepal. This experiment was carried out from June to September, 2019. Six major horticultural crops have been selected. In each cropping area yellow sticky traps with whitefly lure, yellow sticky traps with thrips lure and yellow sticky traps only has been setup. Weekly data of insects has been recorded with the help of hand lens. In yellow sticky traps wide range of insects whitefly, thrips, leaf miner, winged aphids, housefly, fungus gnats, fruit fly, Tuta absoluta whereas, some beneficial insects as bee, wasp, beetle has been monitored. Analysis of variance was carried out as per the procedures given in R-STATC statistical computer package for the paired two T- tests. Thrips lure has shown significant result against thrips whereas whitefly lure doesn’t show any notable effects against whitefly over yellow sticky traps. Further research on such lure will be valuable for the farmers in different agro-climatic locations of the country for validation.