In the IT sector, an important role is played by Cyber Security. Securing information has become one of the biggest challenges even today. The cybercrimes are growing enormously bit by bit and many measures are taken to prevent cyber-crimes. Despite these dealings, cybersecurity is still a tremendous apprehension to many. So, this paper emphasizes encounters met by cybersecurity and the modern cyber security performances using text cryptography. The secured way of transmission of data over the network from security attacks is using cryptography. This paper explores different cryptographic approaches to improve data security and performance evaluation metrics. The notable ones among them like Playfair, BCD encoded key management and Blowfish operate on discrete techniques of their own. Unlike the conventional encryption schemes which focus on improving algorithms for the text message, the BCD method aims at enriching the algorithm for key generation. The Blowfish functions on subkey generation and permutation for data encryption.