We present new lower bounds that show that a polynomial number of passes are necessary for solving some fundamental graph problems in the streaming model of computation. For instance, we show that any streaming algorithm that finds a weighted minimum s-t cut in an n-vertex undirected graph requires n 2−o(1) space unless it makes n Ω(1) passes over the stream.To prove our lower bounds, we introduce and analyze a new four-player communication problem that we refer to as the hidden-pointer chasing problem. This is a problem in spirit of the standard pointer chasing problem with the key difference that the pointers in this problem are hidden to players and finding each one of them requires solving another communication problem, namely the set intersection problem. Our lower bounds for graph problems are then obtained by reductions from the hidden-pointer chasing problem.Our hidden-pointer chasing problem appears flexible enough to find other applications and is therefore interesting in its own right. To showcase this, we further present an interesting application of this problem beyond streaming algorithms. Using a reduction from hidden-pointer chasing, we prove that any algorithm for submodular function minimization needs to make n 2−o(1) value queries to the function unless it has a polynomial degree of adaptivity.A vast body of work in graph streaming lower bounds concerns algorithms that make only one or a few passes over the stream. Examples of single-pass lower bounds include the ones for diameter [60], approximate matchings [13,14,63,84], exact minimum/maximum cuts [119], and maximal independent sets [10,46]. Examples of multi-pass lower bounds include the ones for BFS trees [60], perfect matchings [67], shortest path [67], and minimum vertex cover and dominating set [71]. These lower bounds are almost always obtained by considering communication complexity of the problem with limited number of rounds of communication which gives a lower bound on the space complexity of streaming algorithms with proportional number of passes to the limits on rounds of communication (see e.g. [6,66]). The communication lower bounds are then typically proved via reductions from (variants of) the pointer chasing problem [38,105,106] for multi-pass lower bounds and the indexing problem [2,87] and boolean hidden (hyper-)matching problem [61,114] for single-pass lower bounds.In the pointer chasing problem, Alice and Bob are given functions f, g : [n] → [n] and the goal is to compute f (g(· · · f (g(0)))) for k iterations. Computing this function in less than k rounds requires Ω(n/k) communication [118] (see also [52,[105][106][107]). The reductions from pointer chasing to graph streaming lower bounds are based on using vertices of the graph to encode [n] and each edge to encode a pointer [60,67]. Directly using pointer chasing does not imply lower bounds stronger than Ω(n) and hence variants of pointer chasing with multiple pointers such as multi-valued pointer chasing [60,79] and set pointer chasing [67], were considered. Using mul...