We useČech closure spaces, also known as pretopological spaces, to develop a uniform framework that encompasses the discrete homology of metric spaces, the singular homology of topological spaces, and the homology of (directed) clique complexes, along with their respective homotopy theories. We obtain six homology and homotopy theories of closure spaces. 1
Closure spacesIn this section we provide background on EduardČech's closure spaces [9,25].2.1. Elementary definitions. We start with the elementary definitions we need to work with closure spaces. Definition 2.1. Let X be a set and let P(X) denote the collection of subsets of X. A function c : P(X) → P(X) is called a closure operation (or just closure) for X if the following axioms are satisfied:for all A, B ⊆ X. An ordered pair (X, c) where X is a set and c a closure for X is called a (Čech) closure space. Elements of X are called points.Lemma 2.2. Let (X, c) be a closure space. If A ⊆ B are subsets of X then c(A) ⊆ c(B).
Proof. Note thatExample 2.3. Let X be a set. Then the identity map 1 P(X) : P(X) → P(X) is a closure operation for X. It is called the discrete closure for X. The closure operation defined by the map A → X for A = ∅ and ∅ → ∅ is called the indiscrete closure for X.Definition 2.5. Given a set X and a closure c for X we can associate to it an interior operation for X, int c : P(X) → P(X) given by int c (A) := X − c(X − A).The interior operation satisfies the following:1) int c (X) = X, 2) For all A ⊆ X, int c (A) ⊆ A, 3) For all A, B ⊆ X, int c (A ∩ B) = int c (A) ∩ int c (B). If int : P(X) → P(X) is a function satisfying the 3 conditions in Definition 2.5 and one defines c int : P(X) → P(X) by c int (A) := X − int(X − A), then c int is a closure operation for X.Proposition 2.6. [9, 14.A.12] A subset A of a closure space (X, c) is open if and only if int c (A) = A.Definition 2.7. [9, Definition 14.B.1] Let (X, c) be a closure space. Let A ⊆ X. We say B ⊆ X is a neighborhood of A if A ⊆ X − c(X − B) = int c (B). In the case that A = {x}, we say B is a neighborhood of x. The neighborhood system of A is the collection of all neighborhoods of A. Definition 2.8. [9, Definition 16.A.1] Let (X, c X ) and (Y, c Y ) be closure spaces. A map). If f is continuous at every point of X we say f is continuous. Equivalently, f is continuous if for every A ⊆ X, f (c X (A)) ⊆ c Y (f (A)). A continuous map f is called a homeomorphism if f is a bijection with a continuous inverse.