We study the local homology of Artin groups using weighted discrete Morse theory. In all finite and affine cases, we are able to construct Morse matchings of a special type (we call them "precise matchings"). The existence of precise matchings implies that the homology has a square-free torsion. This property was known for Artin groups of finite type, but not in general for Artin groups of affine type. We also use the constructed matchings to compute the local homology in all exceptional cases, correcting some results in the literature.Theorem 3.1. Every Artin group of finite or affine type admits a ϕ-precise matching for each cyclotomic polynomial ϕ.Corollary 3.2. Let G W be an Artin group of finite or affine type. Then the local homology H * (X W ; R) has no ϕ k -torsion for k ≥ 2.We are able to use precise matchings to carry out explicit homology computations for all exceptional finite and affine cases. In particular we recover the results of [DCPSS99, SV13], with small corrections. The matchings we find for D n ,B n , and D n are quite complicated, so we prefer to omit explicit homology computations for these cases (the homology for D n andB n was already computed in [DCPSS99] and [CMS10], respectively). The remaining finite and affine cases, namely A n , B n ,Ã n andC n , were already discussed in [PS18].We also provide a software library which can be used to generate matchings for any finite or affine Artin group, check preciseness, and compute the homology. Source code and instructions are available online [Pao17].This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we review the general combinatorial framework developed in [SV13, PS18]. We introduce the local homology H * (X W ; R), which is the object of our study, together with algebraic complexes to compute it. We present weighted discrete Morse theory and precise matchings, and recall some useful results. In Section 3 we state and discuss the main results of this paper. Subsequent sections are devoted to the proof of the main theorem. In Section 4 we show that it is enough to construct precise matchings for irreducible Artin groups. In Section 5 we recall the computation of the weight of irreducible components of type A n , B n and D n , which is used later. In Sections 6-10 we construct precise matchings for the families A n , D n ,B n ,D n and I 2 (m). Finally, in Section 11 we deal with the exceptional cases.
Local homology of Artin groups via discrete Morse theoryIn this section we are going to recall the general framework of [SV13, PS18] for the computation of the local homology H * (X W ; R).Let (W, S) be a Coxeter system on a finite generating set S, and let Γ be the corresponding Coxeter graph (with S as its vertex set). Denote by G W the corresponding Artin group, with standard generating set Σ = {g s | s ∈ S}. Define K W as the (finite) simplicial complex over S given by K W = {σ ⊆ S | the parabolic subgroup W σ generated by σ is finite}.