10Bacterial 5 untranslated regions of mRNA (UTR) involve in a complex regulation of gene expression; however, the exact sequence features contributing to gene regulation are not yet fully understood. In this study, we report the design of a novel 5 UTR, dual UTR, utilising the transcriptional and translational characteristics of 5 UTRs in a single expression cassette. The dual UTR consists of two 5 UTRs, each separately leading to either increase in transcription or translation of the reporter, that are separated by a spacer region, enabling de novo translation initiation. We rationally create dual UTRs with a wide range of expression profiles and demonstrate the functionality of the novel design concept in Escherichia coli and in Pseudomonas putida using different promoter systems and coding sequences. Overall, we demonstrate the application potential of dual UTR design concept in various synthetic biology applications ranging from fine-tuning of gene expression to maximisation of protein production.
Introduction 12The DNA region corresponding to the 5 untranslated region of mRNA (UTR) plays a central role in gene and protein 13 expression. At the DNA level, it is involved in transcript formation due to the interplay between promoter and the 14 initially transcribed sequences (ITS), which covers the first 15 nt in Escherichia coli 1-3 . At the mRNA level, it 15 influences transcript stability and translation because of secondary structure formation 4-6 , interaction with external 16 factors i.e. proteins 7 , metabolites 8, 9 and short RNAs 10 in addition to ribosome binding and translation initiation 11 .
17The translation initiation mainly involves around 15 nt preceding the start codon 12 including the Shine-Dalgarno 18 (SD) sequence as well as the 5 end of the following coding sequence 4 . In bacteria, transcription and translation are 19 coupled and a physical link between transcript formation and transcript turnover (translation and mRNA degradation) 20 has been shown 13 . It has been reported that the translation rate is likely to affect the transcription rate which 21 indirectly affects mRNA stability [14][15][16][17] . The DNA sequence of the 5 UTR has also an under-recognised role on 22 transcript formation involving nucleotides downstream of the ITS 18, 19 . With all the above mentioned characteristics, 23 5 UTR is one crucial contributor to the maintenance of a fine balance between transcription, transcript stability, and 24 1 translation.
25In synthetic biology applications, it is desirable to have a predictive control over the levels of gene expression [20][21][22] . 26 Currently, there are several in silico tools available enabling the design of synthetic 5 UTR sequences for efficient 27 translation initiation 15,[23][24][25] , and these are also applied in combination with a selection of promoters 15, 22, 26 . However, 28 because of 5 UTRs sequence proximity both to promoter and coding sequence regions a physical context dependency 29 exists 27 , and it has consequently proven difficult to de...