This paper presents a Digital Front-end LSI using 0.13gm CMOS for HD DVD/DVD/CD compatible drives. To insure sufficient readout performance in dual layer HD DVD-RIRW disks, the LSI is equipped with a Dual-Adaptive PRML feature. The experimental result shows that sufficient performance improvement has been achieved with this LSI.
I. INTRODUCTIONHigh definition digital TV broadcasting has rapidly become popular accompanying the spread of flat-panel, large-screen displays such as LCD and plasma TVs. The market for high definition video contents has also expanded at the same time. HD DVD has developed and entered to the market in 2006 to satisfy market demand such as high-definition movie playback and recording, and it has spread rapidly as a new optical disk to replace DVD. We have developed a Front-end LSI for use with HD DVD, and it has greatly contributed to the HD DVD business [1]. HD DVD initially had a single layer capacity of 15GB, and multilayer recording media such as dual layer HD DVD-R and HD DVD-RW with 30GB capacity was developed to realize the recording of longer periods of high definition video. These multilayer disks have a problem of reduced readout performance due to a decrease in the signal to noise ratio of the readout signal. Adaptive PRML, which supports non-linear response of the readout signal with adaptive control, has been proposed as an advance signal processing techniques to improve readout performance [2][3]. To put these technology to practical use with reasonable cost, we have developed a new Front-end LSI for HD DVD/DVD/CD that is equipped with a Dual-Adaptive PRML feature that supports non-linear response.