DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.856355
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Combined Application of Manure and Chemical Fertilizers Alters Soil Environmental Variables and Improves Soil Fungal Community Composition and Rice Grain Yield

Abstract: Soil microorganisms play vital roles in energy flow and soil nutrient cycling and, thus, are important for crop production. A detailed understanding of the complex responses of microbial communities to diverse organic manure and chemical fertilizers (CFs) is crucial for agroecosystem sustainability. However, little is known about the response of soil fungal communities and soil nutrients to manure and CFs, especially under double-rice cropping systems. In this study, we investigated the effects of the applicat… Show more

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Cited by 28 publications
(10 citation statements)
References 65 publications
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“…This may be the result of biological sorption of mineral nitrogen (its immobilization process). Fertilization based on the combined application of organic fertilizers and nitrogen mineral fertilizers can ensure an optimal supply of nitrogen to plants 31 and may result in higher crop yields 30 , 32 . The present study showed that the biomass yield of maize increased in the first year after application of RM up to 40 t·ha −1 and N min up to 100 kg·ha −1 .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This may be the result of biological sorption of mineral nitrogen (its immobilization process). Fertilization based on the combined application of organic fertilizers and nitrogen mineral fertilizers can ensure an optimal supply of nitrogen to plants 31 and may result in higher crop yields 30 , 32 . The present study showed that the biomass yield of maize increased in the first year after application of RM up to 40 t·ha −1 and N min up to 100 kg·ha −1 .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Microorganisms are an important part of the soil ecosystem. Their community composition and diversity show certain dynamic changes at different growth stages and under different nutritional statuses, fertilization measures, and tillage modes ( Yang and Crowley, 2000 ; Wang et al, 2016 ; Liu et al, 2020 ; Iqbal et al, 2022 ). They are important indicators for evaluating soil fertility and are related to the occurrence of plant soil-borne diseases, continuous cropping obstacles, and soil acidification and salinization ( Yao and Wu, 2010 ; Shen et al, 2016 ; Gao et al, 2021 ; Song et al, 2022 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In accordance, signi cant increases occurred in the soil AP contents of T2, M1, and M2 ranging from 16. 21 2020). Because co-application of organic and inorganic fertilizers causes a higher rate of K conversion than the chemical fertilization alone (Gosal et al 2017).…”
Section: Effects Of Different Treatments On Total and Available P In ...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, several workers have suggested to practice the co-application of chemical N and manure/organic amendments to achieve the optimal crop yield together with improving soil physiochemical and biological properties (e. g., Iqbal et al, 2022;Du et al, 2022). Partial replacement of chemical N with organic amendment might also minimize the adverse ecological impacts of sole application of organic or inorganic fertilizers.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%