To fully validate the feasibility of multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW)-based interfacial debonding detection for steel-concrete composite structures (SCCS), dispersion characteristics of surface waves in SCCS are systematically investigated using theoretical analysis and elaborate 3D numerical simulations. First, the influences of material strength and thickness of concrete core, steel plate thickness on the dispersion figures are analyzed based on the theoretical dispersion characteristic of Rayleigh wave. Scientific layering strategy, including single steel plate, double-layer, and three-layer medium assumptions, is investigated using the theoretical dispersion analysis of Lamb wave. Besides, the dispersion characteristics of surface wave in circular steel pipes are calculated to determine the appropriate theoretical dispersion curves for MASW measurement. Finally, the stress wave propagation processes in SCCSs with various internal structures, including stiffeners, studs, and diaphragms, as well as the debonding width, are simulated using 3D numerical simulation to validate the research finding of theoretical analysis and detectability of MASW-based nondestructive testing on interfacial debonding defects in rectangular and circular concrete-filled steel tubulars. The research findings of this study are the cornerstone of experimental study and essential theoretical support for identifying interfacial debonding and bond-slip damage of SCCS components utilizing MASW method.