Herbage accumulation and tiller demography of hill country pastures were studied afterseveredefoliation inMay,July,andSeptember. Ten, unequally spaced harvest dates were used to estimateregrowth and maximum yield. Individual tillerswereidentified and examined periodically to estimate appearance and death rates. Only the regrowth from the September enclosure showed a sigmoid curve with an estimated maximum green herbage accumulation of 8116 kg DM/ha. The maximum average growth rate for September enclosure occurred at 7250 kg green DM/ha. Incrementalgrowthratehad abimodalpattemattributed totheearlyflowering ofsweetvernal (Anthoxanthum odoratum)andPoaspp.andlaterflowering ofbrowntop(Agrostis capillaris). Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) accumulation rateswereseverelydecreased during the flowering period of this species. The increased herbage mass and stem accumulation resulting from later enclosures was associated with decreasing plant tissuenitrogen (N}-2.6, 1.5,and 1.2% and decreasing in vitro DM digestibility-65.4,62.6,and 55.5% atfmal harvestforMay,July, and September enclosures respectively. Tiller appearance rates were70-100 tillers/m" per day for the first 5 weeks after all three enclosure times.