Organogenesis and morphophysiology of eggs
Development of M. idella idella eggs incubated at four different
AbstractThe development of M. idella idella eggs incubated at four different temperatures (26, 30, 33 and 36°C). An increase in major axis length was evident at 26, 30, 33 and 36°C. However at 36°C, size variation increased with developmental stages, indicating abnormalities until 192 h, after which total mortality was observed. A distinct change in morphometric parameters (major half axis, minor half axis, area and perimeter) was demonstrated at higher temperatures, irrespective of the developmental duration of eggs. Length of hatched embryos increased with increasing incubation temperatures. Therefore a rapid rate of increase of major half axis and early hatching was observed at 33°C. The larva hatched first in 33°C (241 hrs) then followed by 30°C (265 hrs) and 26°C (302 hrs). In 36°C (182 h) there was total mortality during embryonic development so there was no hatching. temperatures is presented in Plate 1. At 0 h, eggs in all the treatments were in similar phase of development (morula stage) and primodial mesodermal and endodermal cells were visible. After 24 h, the blastocyst was visible in all the four-temperature treatments. Embryos were visible after 48 h in all the treatments. However, abnormal embryonic development was evident at 36°C. At 72 h, the primodial compound eye was visible. At 96 h, a considerable increase in the length of the major axis was seen at higher temperatures (30, 33 and 36°C). At 120 h, star shaped and round protoplasmic islands was visible at 33 and 36°C, respectively and heartbeat was discernible at all temperature treatments. The compound eye with a visible optic lobe was visible at higher temperatures (30, 33 and 36°C). At 144 h, star shaped protoplasmic islands appeared at lower temperatures (26 and 30°C). Rudiments of appendages started developing at all acclimation temperatures. At 168 h, paired compound eyes were visible in all treatments. At 192 h, star shaped protoplasmic islands were seen at lower temperatures (26 and 30°C) while at 36°C, protoplasmic islands appeared was degenerated. After 192 h, complete mortality was noticed at 36°C (Plate 1).At lower temperatures, rudiments of appendages were visible. The primodial digestive canal developed in segments as a dotted line in the posterior region, and appeared to originate from primodial hepatopancreas. The primodial brain was visible at the anterior part of primodial hepatopancreas. The major half axis attained maximum length at the time of hatching. Hatching was initiated by a sudden twitching movement in the posterior region (below the compound eye) by means of the rudimentary antennule. At the time of hatching, telson (or tail) and rudiments of uropod (folded below compound eye) unfolded and the embryonic case was removed from anterior portion by straightening of abdominal segments. Embryos hatched out with a jerky movement and all the anterior appendages in the cephalothoracic region (including walki...