This study aims to calculate reliable sectional travel speeds with the consideration of the characteristics of the probe data collected in the interrupted traffic flow. First, in order to analysis the characteristics of the probe data, we looked into the distribution of the sectional travel times of each probe vehicle and compared the difference in the sectional travel speeds of each probe vehicle collected by DSRC. As a result, it is shown that outliers should be removed for the distribution of the sectional travel times. However, The comparison results show that the sectional travel speeds from the DSRC probe vehicles are not significantly different. Finally, based on the distribution characteristics of the sectional travel speeds of each probe vehicle and the representative values counted during a collection period, we drew the optimal outlier removal procedure and evaluated the estimation errors. The evaluation results showed that the DSRC sectional travel speeds were found to be similar to the observed values from actually running vehicles. On the contrary, in the case of the sectional travel speeds of intra-city bus, it was analyzed that they were less accurate than the DSRC sectional travel speeds. In the future, it will be necessary to improve BIS process and make use of the travel information on intra-city buses collected in real time to find various ways of applying it as traffic information.