d(goTl)/p = friction velocitv, ft./hr. &locity, ft./hr. u/u. = velocity ratio, dimensionless axial distance along tube, ft. T -r, = distance from wall, ft. dimensionless wall distance, dimensionless Greek Letters ka/pcp = eddy diffusivity of heat, sq.ft./hr. eddy diffusivity of momentum, sq.ft./hr. kinematic viscosity, sq.ft ./hr . density, 1b.-mass/cu. ft. shear, 1b.-force/sq.ft. c H / c M , dimensionless average transition between laminar and turbulent zones laminar flow on r denotes radius of maximum velocity; on t denotes velocity weighted mean temperature q, t = designates variables in SUCcessive integrations S = slug flow U = unadjusted 1 = at wall LITERATURE CITED 1. 2.
8.Variations of density and viscosity with temperature cause distortions in the flow field and affect the rate of heat transfer to fluids in laminar flow in vertical tubes. The magnitude of these distortions is predicted through an approximate solution of the equations of motion and energy.