Energy-efficient heating systems for poultry houses are infrared heating systems. With the correct location of infrared emitters heating occurs only in the zone where the poultry is located and the need to heat the entire poultry house disappears. In this way, it is possible to achieve the necessary zoo-hygienic parameters in the zone for breeding of young chicken, without increasing indoor temperature, and if it is possible, lowering it. On the basis of principle of sectional poultry breeding the modular breeding of chicken broilers is proposed. The heating system of the module is a panel infrared heater, intended for local heating of the growing zone. To ensure a constant inflow of fresh air and assimilation of harmfulness in the module provides an inflow and exhaust ventilation system. Modular poultry breeding allows to use modules as well as in industrial poultry farming, and within individual farms. As the industrial method of poultry breeding involves the accumulation of a large amount of poultry in one poultry house, there is a possibility of emergence and rapid spread of infectious diseases. Due to the local microclimate provided in the module for poultry breeding, it is possible to prevent this negative phenomenon. In addition, there is an opportunity to keep multi-year poultry categories in one poultry house and to provide a temperature regime as the growth of poultry. In this paper the study of temperature regime in the module at the change of thermal power of a heater was described. The results of experiment show that the greatest influence on the value of relative air temperature have thermal power of infrared heater and air velocity in module. At constant values of height of a heater installation and air velocity, and with increasing the heat capacity of heater twice, value of relative air temperature will increase by 3.8%. Due to the use of energy-efficient infrared heating system, it was possible to reduce annual expenses related to the purchasing feed by 11.7% and increase cost of final product of chicken-broiler by 12.8%. Based on technical and economic calculations, the use of modular poultry breeding with the infrared heating system was substantiated. This confirms the wide possibilities of implementation energy-efficient infrared heating systems.