Scimitar syndrome (SS) has been repaired using different surgical procedures like intracardiac baffle and redirection (directly or by using synthetic grafts) of the scimitar vein to the right or left atrium. However, several accompanying anatomic abnormalities make these interventions difficult. The most common variations complicating reimplantation of the scimitar vein (SV) include dextrocardia, hypoplasia of the right pulmonary artery and lung sequestration. Here, we present a novel method for extracardiac repair of SS with dextrocardia and intact atrial septum in which the right superior and inferior pulmonary veins formed a common venous chamber at the diaphragmatic surface and opening at the right atrium (RA) and inferior vena cava (IVC) junction. Although the use of pericardial tube grafts is seen in literature before, its use for rerouting a complex venous complex into left atrium is first reported in this case.