This paper discusses the results of flotation tests on finely dispersed Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe-sulphide ore of the in which microbubbles finer than 50 µm were used as carriers. It was found that volume dosage of microbubbles in the amount of 0.1 liter per kilogram of solids increased the flotation rate of various sulphide ore components by factors of 2-4 and recovery by 0.5-3%. An analysis of the recovery kinetics was performed using previously developed theory of combined microflotation. It was found that the major effect of using microbubble carriers, which has led to the gain in flotation rate efficiency, can be attributed to the fact that the effectiveness of particles and microbubbles hetero-aggregation exceeds the capture efficiency of particles by coarse bubbles by factors of more than 50-70 and the flotation rate of mineralised microbubbles by coarse bubbles by several times compared to the flotation rate of separate particles.