Lightning processes generate a diverse collection of optical pulses from current traversing the lightning channels. These signals are then broadened spatially and temporally via scattering in the clouds. The resulting waveforms measured from space with instruments like the photodiode detector (PDD) on the Fast On‐orbit Recording of Transient Events (FORTE) satellite have a variety of shapes. In this study, we use coincident optical and Radio‐Frequency measurements to document the properties of optical PDD waveforms associated with different types of lightning, estimate delays from scattering in the clouds, and comment on how pulse shape impacts optical lightning detection. We find that the attributes of optical pulses recorded by the PDD are consistent with prior studies, but vary globally and with event amplitude. The most powerful lightning tends to be single‐peaked with faster rise times (median: ∼100 µs) and shorter effective widths (median: ∼400 µs) than normal lightning. Particularly dim events, meanwhile, include cases of broad optical waveforms with sustained optical emission throughout the PDD record, which the pixelated FORTE Lightning Location System (LLS) instrument has difficulty detecting. We propose that this is due to the optical signal being divided between individual LLS pixels that are each, individually, not bright enough to trigger. We use PDD waveforms and Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling to demonstrate that increasing the temporal and spatial resolution of a pixelated lightning imager will make it more difficult to detect these broad/dim pulses as their energy becomes divided between additional pixels/integration frames.