Low-impact development (LID) practices have been recognized as a promising strategy to control urban stormwater runoff and non-point source pollution in urban ecosystems. However, many experimental and modeling efforts are required to tailor an effective LID practice based on the hydraulic and environmental characteristics of a given region. In this study, the InfoWorks ICM was applied to simulate the runoff properties and determine the optimal LID design in a residential site at Yixing, China, based on four practical rainfall events. Additionally, the software was redeveloped using Ruby object-oriented programming to improve its efficiency in uncertainty analysis using the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation method. The simulated runoff was in good agreement with the observed discharge (Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients >0.86). The results of the response surface method indicated that when the sunken green belt, permeable pavement, and green roof covered 8.6%, 15%, and 10%, respectively, of the 11.3 ha study area, the designed system showed the best performance with relatively low cost. This study would provide new insights into designing urban rainfall-runoff pollution control systems.