Through electromagnetic forces, linear electric (electromagnetic) machines (LEMs) enable the direct conversion of electrical energy to linear motion mechanical energy (or vice versa). In industry, linear motion is particularly prevalent. LEMs were created in the nineteenth century, but they weren't widely used in industry until 1960 since control required power electronics (in the absence of any mechanical transmission). However, LEMs require power electronics for linear position, speed, and/or force control in order to perform better than rotary electric motors with mechanical transmission. After 1960, LEMs have steadily improved. The levitation and drive forces in the two-phase Linear Induction Motor (LIM) is be controlled by changing the phase angle between two phases. This paper derives the flux density in the air gaps, the secondary current density, driving and levitating force density. The slotted stator is replaced in the model by a smooth surface stator having a continuous current sheet represented by the stator electric loading AS (x, t) = Re\(\left\{\sum _{\varvec{m}}{\underset{\_}{\varvec{A}}}_{\varvec{s}\varvec{m}}{\varvec{e}}^{\varvec{j}(\varvec{w}\varvec{t}-{\varvec{a}}_{\varvec{m}}\varvec{x})}\right\}\) . corresponding to a stator current Is flowing in the z-direction. The secondary current is assumed to be still flowing only in the z-direction. It closes its paths through the stator ends at both sides of the active length. Hence both the magnetic field intensity H and the magnetic flux density B have x-component and y-component. Average Force equations are derived by taking the summation of the force density over the secondary length using two-dimensional field analysis are used to simulate the performance of Linear Induction Motor. It is investigated the effects of phase angle change on the secondary current density, normal and on the tangential flux density components. Also, this phase shift effects are extended to include the two components of the force (Levitation and Driven). The calculations are performed and plotted by using MATLAB program.