Keywords:Hand tremor Microsurgery Neurosurgery Hand holding device Brain surgery Surgical equipment
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACTThe hand holding devices are generally used during the course of micro-surgical operations in neurosurgery to prevent hand tremor. Recently we designed a new instrument for holding two arms. This instrument used for stabilization of two arms especially during microsurgical operations. We used this instrument in different type of operations such as aneurysm surgery, brain tumor surgery, hypophysis surgery, pontocerebellar tumor surgery and posterior fossa surgery. The ability of the instrument in the preventing of arm tremor, and comfort of the arm during surgery was graded as bad, good and excellent in terms of the description of surgeon during microsurgical operations. This instrument was used during 20 neurosurgical operations. The capability of the instrument during microsurgical operation was found as excellent in 65% of the operations. The capability was found as good in 35% of the operation. In conclusion; this instrument holds two arms in the same time and provide unrelated moving from each others. The capability of this instrument is high in the preventing of hand tremor. This instrument may be used during microsurgical operations in neurosurgery.J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2011; 28:111-116 © 2011 OMU All rights reserved
IntroductionIn the development of new surgical instruments and their practical using, brain surgery has a very special place in the history of medicine. Many surgical instruments had been developed for using in neurosurgical operations. The majority of these instruments is used the main part of surgical intervention and the others take actions to support the surgery. Design of these instruments is usually made by the neurosurgeons. An idea was developed for a better and more easily doing a part of the operation. Developed these ideas are translated into a design. Then, the design was turned into a drawing in accordance with a plan, and drawing was given to the masters and prototypes were produced. These produced prototypes are used during surgery and a much more improved during intervention, and after general production is started. This is no way that could not be reached in the brain.Yasargil (Yaşargil, 1977;Yaşargil, 1978;Yaşargil et al, 1988; Yaşargil, 1997;Yaşargil , 1999;Yaşargil, 2005;Yaşargil, 2010), Sugita (Sugita et al., 1978;Sugita et al., 1979;Sugita et al., 1980), andGilsbach (Gilsbach et al ., 1984;Gilsbach et al., 1994) such peoples are among those leading the design tool. An idea creating a new design is the searching of an answer for this question "how can I do better this operation?" Another question is "how the previously developed device is