A numerical model of particle motion in fluid flow under the influence of hydrodynamic and magnetic forces is presented. As computational tool, a flow solver based on the Boundary Element Method is used. The Euler-Lagrange formulation of multiphase flow is considered. In the case of a particle with a magnetic moment in a nonuniform external magnetic field, the Kelvin body force acts on a single particle. The derived Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm is used for simulation of dilute suspensions of particles in viscous flows taking into account gravity, buoyancy, drag, pressure gradient, added mass and magnetophoretic force. As a benchmark test case the magnetite particle motion in cellular flow field of water is computed with and without the action of the magnetic force. The effect of the Kelvin force on particle motion and separation from the main flow is studied for a predefined magnetic field and different values of magnetic flux density.
Problem formulationIn order to accurately describe hydrodynamics of flows with particles in the context of Euler-Lagrangian formulation, the computationally most affordable approach is the description of a particle as a rigid sphere, that interacts with the fluid phase. In order to capture the particle response to fluid flow structures, a full one-way coupling approach is implemented. We consider viscous fluid flow in the laminar flow regime. The velocity-vorticity formulation of Navier-Stokes equations is solved using the Boundary-Domain Integral Method [1]. A combination of sub-domain and single domain technique is used. Incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid with constant material properties is considered. The fluid flow is governed by the kinematics equationwhich links the velocity and vorticity fields for every point in space and time. The kinetic aspect of fluid movement is governed by the vorticity transport equation, written in non-dimensional form:with the Reynolds number denoted by Re.The system of equations (1) and (2) is solved in a nonlinear loop of three steps. First, the boundary vorticity values are calculated by solving the kinematics equation with the help of a single domain BEM. Second, the calculation of the domain velocity values is achieved by solving the kinematics equation with a subdomain BEM and finally, the vorticity transport equation for domain vorticity values using the boundary values from the solution of the kinematics equation is solved by a subdomain BEM.In the case of a particle with a magnetic moment in a nonuniform external magnetic field, the Kelvin body force acts on a single particle. The established model for the magnetic force on a single particle reads as:with µ 0 the magnetic permeability in vacuum, (χ p − χ f ) magnetic susceptibility between the particle and the fluid and V p particle volume. The force on a particle is proportional to the the strength of magnetic field and the field gradient.
Lagrangian particle trackingNewton's law for a particle states the balance of forces, which are assumed to be linearly additive. The f...