We present a case of a 34‐year‐old male who presented with syncope secondary to a large adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the distal trachea. A computed tomography and flexible bronchoscopy showed almost complete occlusion of the distal trachea. Resection with curative intent was performed, but resection margins were unfortunately not clear. The patient was subsequently offered adjuvant radiotherapy. Tracheal tumours comprise a small proportion of respiratory tract neoplasm, accounting for only about 2% of airway malignancies. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tracheal tumour, followed by ACC. Symptoms are usually attributable to the intraluminal component of the tumour causing an obstruction of the airway, resulting in stridor, dyspnoea, wheezing, haemoptysis, and cough. Syncope as a presenting symptom is exceedingly rare.