Trace metals play important roles in normal and in disease-causing biological functions. X-ray fluorescence microscopy reveals trace elements with no dependence on binding affinities (unlike with visible light fluorophores) and with improved sensitivity relative to electron probes. However, X-ray fluorescence is not very sensitive for showing the light elements that comprise the majority of cellular material. Here we show that X-ray ptychography can be combined with fluorescence to image both cellular structure and trace element distribution in frozen-hydrated cells at cryogenic temperatures, with high structural and chemical fidelity. Ptychographic reconstruction algorithms deliver phase and absorption contrast images at a resolution beyond that of the illuminating lens or beam size. Using 5.2-keV X-rays, we have obtained sub-30-nm resolution structural images and ∼90-nm-resolution fluorescence images of several elements in frozen-hydrated green algae. This combined approach offers a way to study the role of trace elements in their structural context. ptychography | X-ray fluorescence microscopy | cryogenic biological samples X -ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) offers unparalleled sensitivity for quantitative mapping of elements, especially trace metals which play a critical role in many biological processes (1-3). It is complementary to light microscopy, which can study some elemental content in live cells (with superresolution techniques possible) but which is more difficult to quantitate because it depends on the binding affinities of fluorophores. However, XFM does not usually show much cellular ultrastructure, because the light elements (such as H, C, N, and O, which are the main constituents of biological materials) have low fluorescence yield (4). At the multi-keV X-ray energies needed to excite most X-ray fluorescence lines of interest, these light elements show little absorption contrast, but phase contrast can be used to image cellular structure (5, 6) and this can be combined with scanned-beam XFM (7-11).One can also acquire phase-contrast X-ray images with a resolution beyond X-ray lens limits by recording the diffraction pattern from a coherently illuminated, noncrystalline sample in an approach called coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) (12). This approach has been used to image isolated dried cells (13-15), and 3-nm resolution has been achieved when imaging silver nanocubes (16). The traditional CDI approach requires that samples meet a so-called "finite support" (17) requirement with no observable scattering outside of a defined region; although some limited success has been obtained (18,19), this finite support condition has proven difficult to achieve with single cells surrounded by ice layers. Ptychography (20-22) is a recently realized CDI method [with an older history (23)] that circumvents this isolated cell requirement by instead scanning a limitedsize coherent illumination spot across the sample. Ptychography has been used to image freeze-dried diatoms at 30-nm resolution (24) and bacter...