The membrane toxin V"2 from the venom of Naja mossamhica niossambica was investigated in aqueous solution by one-dimensional and two-dimensional high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques at 360 MHz. The spectral characterization included identification of the complete spin systems for several amino acid residues, nuclear Overhauser effect measurements, the use of chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization and studies of the pH dependence of the N M R spectrum. Data from homologous toxins, in particular direct lytic factor 12B from Haemachatus haenzachatus, were used to establish assignments of aromatic and methyl proton resonances. From these experiments a short, triple-stranded fragment of antiparallel p structure could be determined, which includes the residues 23 -27, 43 -46 and 60 -62. Furthermore, the nuclear Overhauser effect measurements indicate close proximity in the protein conformation of the aromatic rings of Trp-14, Tyr-25 and Tyr-59, and the side chain of Ile-46.Keen interest in the toxins from the venoms of snakes belonging to the family Elapidae (cobra, coral snake, sea snake, etc.) has generated an extensive literature [l -31. Three classes of toxins are usually distinguished: long neurotoxins, short neurotoxins, and membrane toxins. These three classes form a group of homologous proteins with 71 -74, 60 -62, and 60-62 amino acid residues, respectively, arranged in a single polypeptide chain. If one excludes an extra disulfide bridge in the long neurotoxins, all of the approximately 80 toxins sequenced so far have four disulfide bridges linking half-cysteine residues which have homologous locations in the sequence. In addition seven other amino acid residues are located at homologous positions. Within a class or subclass of toxins, homology is even more extensive and can be as high as 60-70 % (e.g. membrane toxins from the genus Nuja). In spite of the extensive homology, there are pronounced differences in the mode of action of the different types of toxins. Neurotoxins bind to a protein receptor at the post-synaptic level and block acetylcholine reception [4]. The action of membrane'toxins results in a variety of effects including hemolysis, cytotoxieity, depolarization of excitable membrane and modulation of membranal enzyme activity [2,5]. This varied phenomenology has produced a profusion of trivial names such as cardiotoxin, cytotoxin, and direct lytic factor. A common trait of the actions of the different membrane toxins at the cellular level appears to be binding to the cell membrane with disturbance of its organization and function [5 -71.A variety of approaches have been used to investigate the spatial structures of snake neurotoxins and cardiotoxins [I, 21. These have included structure-activity modelling studies employing in part Chou-Fasman-type predictions [8 -lo], Abbreviations. CD, circular dichroism; 6, chemical shift; lytic factor 12B, direct lytic factor 12B from Haemachatus haemachaius; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; NOE, nuclear Overhauser effect; ppi...