“…For example, spill the beans in its literal interpretation would receive supersenses V:CONTACT and N:FOOD, whereas the idiomatic interpretation, 'divulge a secret', is represented as an MWE holistically tagged as V:COMMUNICATION. Schneider and Smith (2015) develop this idea at 3 Evaluations used English SemCor (Ciaramita and Altun, 2006;Paaß and Reichartz, 2009), English-Italian MultiSemCor (Picca et al, 2008(Picca et al, , 2009Attardi et al, 2010), the Italian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank and Italian Wikipedia (Attardi et al, 2010;Rossi et al, 2013), Chinese Cilin (Qiu et al, 2011), Arabic Wikipedia , and the Danish CLARIN Reference Corpus (Martínez Alonso et al, 2015). length, and provide a web reviews data set with the integrated annotation.…”