Summer dormancy is an important stress avoidance mechanism of cool season perennial grasses to persist well under harsh summer conditions. QtL associated with summer-dormancy related traits in tall fescue has significant breeding implications. An F 1 pseudo testcross population was developed by crossing a Mediterranean (103-2) to a Continental parent (R43-64). The population was genotyped using 2,000 SSR and DArT markers. Phenotyping was done in growth chambers and in two Oklahoma, USA locations. Total length of R43-64 and 103-2 maps were 1,956 cM and 1,535 cM, respectively. Seventy-seven QTL were identified in the male and 46 in the female parent maps. The phenotypic variability explained by the QTL ranged between 9.91 and 32.67%. Among all the QTL, five summer dormancy related putative QTL were identified in R43-64 linkage groups (LGs) 4, 5, 12, 20 and 22 and two in 103-2 LGs 5 and 17. All the putative summer dormant QTL regions in male map showed pleiotropic responses and epistatic interactions with other summer dormant and stress responsive QTL regions for plant height, new leaf and dry biomass weight. The flanking markers related to the QTL reported in this study will be useful to improve tall fescue persistence in dry areas through marker-assisted breeding. Summer dormancy is a phenomenon, which is endogenously controlled and coupled with series of processes including growth reduction, cessation and/or senescence under non-limiting moisture conditions during summer 1. It is an important drought avoidance mechanism of cool season perennial grasses in the Mediterranean climates to survive under harsh summer conditions 2. Summer dormancy had been reported in many grass species, i.e., Poa secunda J. Presl [syn. Poa scabrella (Thurb.) Benth. ex Vasey] 3 , Poa bulbosa L. 4 , Hordeum bulbosum L. 5 , orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) 6 , hardinggrass (Phalaris aquatica L.) 7 and tall fescue [Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.) S.J. Darbysh.] 8. Tall fescue is an important perennial, cool-season forage and turf grass in the United States 9 belongs to the genus 'Festuca' under Poaceae family 10,11. It is a cross-pollinated allohexaploid grass. Tall fescue has three distinct morphotypes, and those mainly used as forage belong to the Continental and Mediterranean groups. These two morphotypes might have differences in genomic constitution 12-14. Sleper and West 15 reported that the genomic constitution of Continental tall fescue is PPG1G1G2G2, while that of the Mediterranean fescue is still unresolved 9,11,14,16,17. Continental morphotype is summer active and winter hardy. Mediterranean morphotype exhibits incomplete summer dormancy, greater growth during fall but lacks winter hardiness 18,19. In the southern great plains, the persistence and productivity of cool season perennial grasses are significantly affected by hot and dry summer 20,21. Thus, understanding and utilization of summer dormancy mechanism in tall fescue could help in developing suitable cultivars for the region. The induction and exhibition of summer dor...