Nanostructured electrodes show great promises for application in batteries and could improvet heir energy and power density. Herein, ac arbon-coated 3D Ni nanomesh was used as an air cathodef or non-aqueous Li-air (O 2 )b attery applications. A 3 mmt hick 3D Ni nanomeshw as fabricated, showinga ne xcellent surface area/footprint area ratio (90 cm 2 :1 cm 2 )a nd uniformly distributed pores, on which ac onformal amorphous carbon coatingw as applied fort he first time. This carboncoated 3D Ni nanomeshs howeda na pproximately 100 times larger charge-footprint capacity than that of the glassy carbon electrode. Owing to its tunable properties,acapacity higher than 6mAh cm À2 could be achieved for ac arbon-coated 3D Ni nanomesh with at hicknesso f1 00 mm, whereas the practical capacities of current air electrodes are in the range of 2mAh cm À2 .There has been considerable interesti nn on-aqueous Li-O 2 batteries in the past decadeo wing to their high theoretical gravimetric energy density of 3505 Wh kg À1 ,b yf ar exceeding those of current lithium-ionb atteries with lithium-insertion host materials ( % 400 Wh kg À1 ). [1] This large increasei ng ravimetric energy density comesf rom the fundamentally different reactions of the Li-O 2 battery chemistry,w hich relies on the reductiono fg aseous oxygen to form solid lithium peroxide (2 Li + O 2 !Li 2 O 2 , E 0 = 2.96 Vv s. Li + /Li)o rl ithium oxide (2 Li + O 2 !Li 2 O, E 0 = 2.91 Vv s. Li + /Li). However, the commercialization of Li-O 2 batteriesh as not yet been considered because it suffers from severalt echnical hurdles, and solutions need to be provided concerning the selection of as table electrolyte (such as ethers forming mainly Li 2 O 2 duringt he dischargep rocess) [2] and the optimization of the air-cathode formulation and properties. Related to this last topic, the rechargeability of the Li-O 2 battery is hindered by the formationo ft he insulator Li 2 O 2 , [3] typically formed during discharge by reaction of Li + ions with O 2 radicals. The lithium peroxidea ccumulatedi nt he pores of the cathode limits the practical discharge performance of the battery.M oreover,i ti sd ifficult to decompose the lithium peroxide during the chargep rocess unless high voltage( > 4Vvs. Li + /Li)i sa pplied, which may bring additional parasitic reactions (e.g.,electrolyte decomposition).To date, research efforts have mainly focused on the development of porous cathode materials [4,5] and reaction catalysts, [6,7] introduced to increaset he Li 2 O 2 amount( and dischargec apacity) and to enhance the Li 2 O 2 plating and stripping kinetics. In contrast, reports concerning the design of 3D nanostructured binder-free electrodes or current collectors as an electrode template for application in metal-air batteries have been scarce. [7,8] Therefore, we believe it is of fundamental interestt oc larifyw hether the direct increase in surface area, combined with nanoscale electrolyte compartments, could result in an enhanced volumetric power density for the same footprint unit area [cm 2 ...