Background: The semi-magic Sn (Z = 50) isotopes have been subject to many nuclear-structure studies. Signatures of shape coexistence have been observed and attributed to two-proton-two-hole (2p-2h) excitations across the Z = 50 shell closure. In addition, many low-lying nuclear-structure features have been observed which have effectively constrained theoretical models in the past. One example are so-called quadrupole-octupole coupled states (QOC) caused by the coupling of the collective quadrupole and octupole phonons. Purpose: Proton-scattering experiments followed by the coincident spectroscopy of γ rays have been performed at the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the University of Cologne to excite low-spin states in 112 Sn and 114 Sn, to determine their lifetimes and extract reduced transitions strengths B(ΠL). Methods: The combined spectroscopy setup SONIC@HORUS has been used to detect the scattered protons and the emitted γ rays of excited states in coincidence. The novel (p, p ′ γ) DSA coincidence technique was employed to measure sub-ps nuclear level lifetimes. Results: 74 level lifetimes τ of states with J = 0 − 6 were determined. In addition, branching ratios were deduced which allowed the investigation of the intruder configuration in both nuclei. Here, sd IBM-2 mixing calculations were added which support the coexistence of the two configurations. Furthermore, members of the expected QOC quintuplet are proposed in 114 Sn for the first time. The 1 − candidate in 114 Sn fits perfectly into the systematics observed for the other stable Sn isotopes. Conclusions: The E2 transition strengths observed for the low-spin members of the so-called intruder band support the existence of shape coexistence in 112,114 Sn. The collectivity in this configuration is comparable to the one observed in the Pd nuclei, i.e. the 0p-4h nuclei. Strong mixing between the 0 + states of the normal and intruder configuration might be observed in 114 Sn. The general existence of QOC states in 112,114 Sn is supported by the observation of QOC candidates with J = 1.