DOI: 10.4066/amj.2011.620
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Combining multiple indicators to assess hospital performance in Iran using the Pabon Lasso Model

Abstract: The study showed that 60.87% of the studied hospitals had low performance in terms of either BOR or BTO, or both. Thus, the analysis on why that low performance may have occurred, and suggestions to enhance future performance, is provided.

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Cited by 58 publications
(43 citation statements)
References 1 publication
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“…An increase in the number of active beds and greater availability of paraclinical services in the context of active bed management may explain the decrease in ALS during recent years. This decrease is in line with a study by Jonaidi et al the only study that examined 3-year trends in hospital performance in Tehran (15) Overall, this indicator was within the optimal range ac-cording to the national standard (less than 2) (3,4,14). When all 3 measures were considered simultaneously in PL model, Shahid Faghihi Hospital was located in zone 4 during 2008-2009, a result that reflected long-term hospitalizations and perhaps the underuse of outpatient services.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 77%
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“…An increase in the number of active beds and greater availability of paraclinical services in the context of active bed management may explain the decrease in ALS during recent years. This decrease is in line with a study by Jonaidi et al the only study that examined 3-year trends in hospital performance in Tehran (15) Overall, this indicator was within the optimal range ac-cording to the national standard (less than 2) (3,4,14). When all 3 measures were considered simultaneously in PL model, Shahid Faghihi Hospital was located in zone 4 during 2008-2009, a result that reflected long-term hospitalizations and perhaps the underuse of outpatient services.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 77%
“…Public hospitals have become the center of attention, as they play the key role in delivering medical services to the community, let alone consuming up to half of the total health care expenditures (2,3). In recent years, the costs of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the expectations of the patients from health care professionals have increased while resources have become limited.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Un modelo útil y de fácil interpretación para resumir la información de los indicadores de gestión de las camas y las estancias es el diagrama de Pabón-Lasso (18)(19). En este se compara la productividad de la cama -medida como los egresos hospitalarios con respecto a las camas disponibles-, el índice de ocupación -que mide la eficiencia en el manejo de las camas-y el índice de adecuación de las estanciasque mide la eficiencia en el manejo de las estancias.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…Para medir el rendimiento de las instituciones de salud desde el punto de vista de calidad y seguridad, se han propuesto diversas metodologías; la OMS ha clasificado estos métodos de medición en: auditorías externas, estudios de experiencia de consumo, evaluaciones llevadas a cabo por terceros, ín-dices estadísticos y evaluaciones internas (3).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified