Spatial mobility of population is one of the basic demographic determinants. Montenegro is characterized not only by internal migration, but also by external resettlement of population. An uncontrolled migration lead to the demographic polarization of the country is to widening of the emigration areas and narrowing if the immigration ones. So, Montenegro made a stride towards a new millennium with a polarized spatial distribution of population. KEW WORDS Montenegro, region, population, external migration.Along with births and deaths, migration is one of the three demographic components of population change, and has often been described as the most difficult to measure, analyze, and predict. It is estimated that 3% of the world's population are external migrants, the United States being the country with the largest number of immigrants. In other regions, such as Asia, Latin America and Africa, the rate of emigration exceeds that of immigration, while in North America, Europe and Oceania, there is the opposite effect, that is, the percentage of immigrants exceeds that of migrants. The three largest flows of external migration are from Asia to Europe, from Asia to North America and from Latin America to North America. The global pattern reflects the importance of migration from less developed countries to more developed countries. Migrants from countries with relatively low incomes and a high rate of growth tend to move towards slightly richer countries where employment prospects are slightly more favorable. According to recent statistics, more than 20 million people have become in recent years forced immigrants, i.e. refugees, due to international and interregional conflicts, civil wars, natural difficulties, hunger and poverty.