Scanning tunneling microscope results showed that Au and Fe atoms were steamed on the Si (111)-(7 × 7) substrate surface, with or without the step region. The experimental comparison proved that the induced effect of the step region is a controllable process, which CH3OH can adjust. In this paper, the latest progress on the dynamic phenomenon on the step region is discussed, including three deposition types: strong deposition, weak deposition, and the new quasi deposition. With a relatively weak interaction between Au and Si atoms, the linearity of the weak deposition is present in the step region. In contrast, Fe atoms tend to form a strong deposition along the boundary line between the flat and step regions. Different depositions correspond to different surface potential energy: a newly formed surface is stabilized by a quasi-potential made by breaking, and a metal atomic structure can be stabilized by forming several quasi depositions. After discussing the good adsorption properties, CH3OH can be used as an intermediate layer on the step region. As an important result of quasi deposition, a regular linear Fe cluster structure is created, which is perpendicular to the boundary line.