Currently, research is mostly organized in research projects intended to provide results within a limited period of time. Here, small teams of scientists erratically define single scientific studies, write a proposal, and send it to the refereeing board. In case of a funding, the study is carried out and the results are published. To optimize the research and reduce the respective costs and/or raise the outcome, multiple research projects should be organized within a comprehensive research program. A meta-model (paradigm) can help comprise (a) the representation of the state-of-the-art decision knowledge, (b) the adding of new research questions, (c) the performing of trials to answer these questions, and (d) the revision of the current model. It will be discussed how to structure studies within research programs and these within one super-program.Keywords Research projects · Research programs · Decision modeling · Decision Making · Decision support systems
Avoiding Fragmentation in the Current Research MarketSince the resources in science are limited (Eddy 1994), it is necessary to optimize the research and reduce the respective costs and/or raise the outcome. Currently, research is mostly organized in research projects. A project is a set of actions with a concrete aim, a defined beginning and a defined end.Large parts of the current research scenery are fragmented. Today, small teams of scientists erratically define single scientific studies, write a proposal, and send it to the refereeing board. In case of a funding, the study is carried out and the results are published. However, it would be more efficient to organize multiple research projects within a comprehensive program and thus optimize the application of the resources. Therefore, a meta-model (paradigm) should