United Aircraft Corporation studied the potential costs of various possible gas turbine engines which might be used to reduce automobile exhaust emissions. As part of that study, United Aircraft of Canada undertook the preliminary design and performance analysis of high-pressure-ratio nonregenerated (simple cycle) gas turbine engines. For the first time, high levels of single-stage component efficiency are available extending from a pressure ratio less than 4 up to 10 or 12 to 1. As a result, the study showed that the simple-cycle engine may provide satisfactory running costs with significantly lower manufacturing costs and NOx emissions than a regenerated engine. In this paper some features of the preliminary design of both single-shaft and a free power turbine version of this engine are examined. The major component technology assumptions, in particular the high pressure ratio centrifugal compressor, employed for performance extrapolation are explained and compared with current technology. The potential low NOx emissions of the simple-cycle gas turbine compared to regenerative or recuperative gas turbines is discussed. Finally, some of the problems which might be encountered in using this totally different power plant for the conventional automobile are identified.