Cellulosic ethanol, generated from lignocellulosic biomass sources such as grasses and trees, is a promising alternative to conventional starch-and sugar-based ethanol production in term s of potential production quantities, CO 2 im pact, and econom ic com petitiveness. In addition, cellulosic ethanol can be generated (at least in principle) without com peting with food production. However, approximately 1/3 of the lignocellulosic biomass material (including all of the lignin) cannot be converted to ethanol thr ough biochemical means and m ust be extracted at some point in the biochem ical process. In this project we gathered basic inform ation on the prospects for utilizing this lignin residue m aterial in therm ochemical conversion processes to improve the overall energy efficiency or li quid fuel production capacity of cellulosic biorefineries. Two existing pretreatm ent appr oaches, soaking in aqueous am monia (SAA) and the Arkenol (strong sulfuric acid) process, were im plemented at Sandia and used to generated suitable quantities of residue material from corn stover and eucalyptus feedstocks for subsequent thermochemical research. A third, novel technique , using ionic liquids (IL) was investigated by Sandia researchers at the Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI), but was not successf ul in isolating sufficient lignin residue. Additional residue m aterial for therm ochemical research was supplied from the dilute-acid sim ultaneous saccharification/fermentation (SSF) pilot-scale process at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Th e high-tem perature volatiles yields of the different residues were m easured, as were the char com bustion reactivities. The residue chars showed slightly lower reactivity than raw biom ass char, except for the SSF residue, which had substantially lower reactivity. Exergy analysis was applied to the NREL standard process design model for therm ochemical ethanol production a nd from a prototypical dedicated biochem ical process, with process data supplied by a r ecent report from the National Research Council (NRC). The therm ochemical system analysis reveal ed that m ost of the system inefficiency is associated with the gasification process and subs equent tar reform ing step. For the biochem ical process, the steam generation from residue co mbustion, providing the requisite heating for the conventional pretreatment and alcohol distillati on processes, was shown to dom inate the exergy loss. An overall energy balance with dif ferent potential distillation energy requirem ents shows that as much as 30% of the biom ass energy content may be available in the f uture as a feedstock for thermochemical production of liquid fuels.
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