Two idealized models for the preheat s tage of liquid dro plets are ana lyzed theoretically . These models conta in the effects of transie nt heat conduction and e va porati on. It is assumed that the droplet surface a rea decreases linearl y with ti me. This assumption necessitates the soluti on of mov in g boundary pro ble ms . These models, howe ver, do not consider gas-phase mass transport . In the finit e-gradient model, the te mpe ratures of both the dro plet a nd s urrounding hot gases vary spatia lly a nd temporall y. In the zero-gradie nt mod el the gas tempe ratu re varies spatia lly and temporall y but the d roplet temperature vari es onl y tempora ll y, i. e., the drop let tempe rature is spati a lly uniform . Numeri cal e xamples, whi ch require exte ns ive ca lcu lations of connue nt hypergeometric fu nctions, are presented for typi cal va lues of the d ro ple t late nt heat and evaporation rate consta nt. The tem pe rature profi les give n by the fin ite-gradient and zero-grad ient models agree to within 20 percent of eac h othe r for a ll cases examined .Key words: Conflue nt hype rgeometric fun cti ons; d ro plet; mov ing boundary prob lem; pre heat; tra ns ie nt heat cond uction.
. IntroductionThe ignition of a dropl et of conventional fu el consists essentially of two stages [l]l. During the first or preheat s tage heat fl ows fro m the hot surrounding gas to th e d ro plet, causing the droplet temperature to ri se and liq ui d fu e l to evaporate from the d ro pl et surface . In the second stage, ignition occurs in the gaseous mixture of fu el and oxidizer surrounding the droplet. The pre heat stage is dominated by transie nt processes a nd provides the motiva ti on for the subject of thi s pape r.Wi se and Ablow [2], Parks, et al. [3], and Waldman [4] ha ve previously analyzed the effects of transient d roplet heating by negl ecting the existe nce of internal c irculation and by neglecting selected terms in the heat conducti on equations. In addition they assume that the d roplet surface regresses linearly with time. In a previous publication, Bennett and Kayser [5] included the effects of internal c irculation but also neglected evaporation and regression of the droplet surface. We now include these effects in the present pape r.The neglect of internal circulation can in many instances lead to gross underestimates of the heat transfer rates within the droplet. Available experimental evidence indic ates that in most cases the heat transfer rate inside the drople t is muc h faster than is possible with heat conduction alone. El Wakil, et al. [6] observed vigorous circulation within the droplet and showed that the droplet temperature is uniform eve n during the initial trans ient period. This ind icates that the rate at which heat is transfe rred to the droplet is much slowe r tha n the rate of internal mixing. As pointed out by Law [7], assuming the d ropl et te mperature to be uniform in a sense circumvents th e difficult tas k of describing internal c irc ulation but still in cludes the eff...