Nanoscience & Technology: Open AccessOpen Access Research Article difficult to synthesize on metals, as carbon would dissolve into the metal as a solid solution, or, at higher concentration, produce carbides. To avoid such a disastrous side effect, the fast, hightemperature stage of the carbon layer must be followed by a rapid cooling down. Apart from the Huffman-Krätschmer arc process [18], SHS reactions are a promising way to produce such hetero-structures [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. Among the other possible synthesis processes, one could also cite RF plasma torch [36], magnetron and ion beam co-sputtering [37], high temperature annealing of the mixtures of carbon-based materials and metal containing powders [38], catalytic carbonization process [39,40,41], and laser induced pyrolysis [42].The very idea of encapsulating metals or metal carbides inside nanotubes or fullerene-like structures partly comes from the very specific magnetic properties in the nanoscale range, the carbon layer ensuring the particles to be stable, resistant, harmless, with many possible industrial applications [21] Experiment SHS process in PTFE /NaN 3 /Fe(CO) 5 systemsAs a source of carbon, Teflon (PTFE from Sigma-Aldrich, purity >99%, CaCO 3 from Sigma-Aldrich, >99%) were reduced using NaN 3 powder (Sigma-Aldrich, >99%). The blends were prepared in a high energy Fritsch planetary ball mill (Pulverisette 6) using a rotation speed within the range 400-600 rpm for a duration of 30-45 min to assure high homogenization, fractioning, and cold welding of the particles. In order to avoid oxidation during alloying, the ball mill was filled with high purity argon gas. The powders were then mixed with Fe(CO) 5 powders (-325 mesh), used as catalysts and not compacted. Finally, reactions were carried out under reactive (air) or neutral atmosphere (argon) in a high-pressure reactor, in the self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) mode (Figure 1), at an initial
AbstractCombustion synthesis in a self-catalytic propagation Hightemperature Synthesis mode was used with the aim to synthesize 1D carbon nanostructures, by the sodium Azide NaN 3 reduction of the Teflon PTFE (CF)n, either in argon or in air, at ambient pressure (0.1 MPa) or at 1 MPa. In the same time, several possible catalysts were tried, such as Fe(CO) 5 , Co(CO) 5 , Ni (CO) 5 powders. Through the presence of NaF in the product, the deep reduction of PTFE is shown. In order to produce fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, On the other hand, we obtain nanocarbon reinforced iron nano-composites by nanocarbon encapsulated iron metal nanoparticles in nanocarbon coke were obtained in our samples with high yield, opening the process to new possible and nanobiomedical applications.