The combustion synthesis process of the 55 wt-%(TizC)-45 wt-%Fe system was studied under two different fields. The simplex thermal field was provided by differential scanning calorimeter and high temperature X-ray diffraction equipment, while the electric field was generated by a Gleeble thermal simulation instrument. With the aid of an electric field, the system is able to be ignited at 394uC, which is much lower than the ignition temperature of above 920uC required if only a simplex thermal field is used. This is because solid diffusion among reactant atoms could be accelerated at a lower temperature by the coeffect of an electric field and the self-generated thermal field. Microstructure study revealed the formation of instantaneous liquid phase in microzones during combustion. A four step model describing the mechanism for the combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe composites under an electric field is also proposed.