In the "Comment on article by Gonzaga et al. J Am Ceram Soc. 2020;103:6280-6288", Paparazzo argues that the estimated value of Ce 3+ amount in our CeO 2 samples through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis is ~10% and there is no dependence on the annealing temperature or Pr-doping. However, a comparison of our XPS Ce 3d F I G U R E 1 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Ce 3d 5/2 spectra for CeO 2 -400, CeO 2 :Pr-400, and CeO 2 -800 samples. The arrow indicates the region of the feature assigned as v′ [Color figure can be viewed at] | 4273 GONZAGA et Al.