In their Comment on our recent paper ͓Ponson et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 184205 ͑2006͔͒, Rösch and Trebin reinterpret our experimental findings on cleavage surfaces of i-AlPdMn quasicrystals ͑QC͒ using moleculardynamics simulations of crack propagation in icosahedral model QC. Here, we detail and maintain our initial interpretation of the roughness of QC fracture surfaces in terms of damage mechanisms and temperature elevation in the vicinity of the crack tip. We then discuss the outputs of their numerical simulations and show that the numerical surfaces display different properties than the experimental ones, making the use of the features pointed out by the simulations difficult in interpreting the experimental data. Thus, we maintain the main conclusion of our paper that the existence of clusters in the QC structure cannot be evidenced from the cleavage experiment of Ebert and coworkers ͓Phys.Comparison between experimental data and result of simulations is always of great interest in catching the main features and detailing individual processes of dynamic systems. Such an extended discussion was indeed missing in our recent paper 1 where an analysis of the data obtained by Ebert and co-workers 2,3 on quasicrystal ͑QC͒ cleavage surfaces is reported. Only numerical results on two-dimensional ͑2D͒ decagonal model QC were mentioned 4 to support the idea that a process zone may exist in quasicrystals. An extended discussion must involve the more recent papers of Rösch and co-workers 5,6 where results of molecular dynamic simulations on three-dimensional ͑3D͒ binary QC with icosahedral symmetry were presented.The problem under discussion is to decide whether fracture surfaces may reveal the role of clusters of atoms entering in the QC structure as physical entities. This was claimed by Ebert and co-workers 2,3 from a qualitative first analysis of their experimental surfaces and from computer simulations. 5,6 In our statistical analysis of the very same experimental data, we conclude that the cluster size r c = 0.5 nm does not appear as a characteristic length scale on the QC fracture surfaces. This is mainly shown by computing the height-height correlation function ⌬h͑⌬r ជ͒ = ͓͗h͑r 0 ជ + ⌬r ជ͒ − h͑r 0 ជ ͔͒ 2 ͘ r 0 ជ 1/2 that exhibits a power-law behavior with exponent Ӎ 0.75 from the atomic size up to Ӎ2 nm. This means that there is no relevant length scale within this range. Such a behavior has been observed for a great variety of materials such as silica glass, metallic alloys, or mortar, 7 suggesting that this scaling is universal. More recently, it was shown that the upper limit of this scaling regime is set by the process zone size R c . 8-10 At larger length scales, another roughness regime is observed that is characterized by a smaller exponent or logarithmic correlations of height fluctuations. This second regime is fully understood using linear elastic fracture mechanics extended to heterogeneous media 9-11 and is reminiscent of a brittle failure. In their Comment, 12 Rösch and Trebin claim that the observed ...