Theoretical and experimental aspects of electronic Raman scattering in high-2'. superconductors are reviewed. Theoretical expressions for the cross-section are derived and compared with data on various cuprate systems. The general goal is to obtain information about the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. Experimental results are presented for Bi,Sr,CuO,, Bi,Sr,CaCu,O, and Ndl.r4Ceo.16Cu04. It is demoostrated that the class of hole-doped superconductors seems to be characterized by a strong gap anisotropy reminiscent of unconventional ds+ pairing. Electrondoped superconductors, on the other hand, show a behavionr which is more compatible with a conventional only slightly anisotropic energy gap. Receiued 1 I August I995 Accepted I December I995