In this reply to the comment on 'Oxygen vacancy-induced magnetic moment in edge-sharing CuO 2 chains of d -Li CuO 2 2 ' (2017 New Journal of Physics 19 023206), we have clarified several key questions and conflicting results regarding the size of the intra-chain nearest neighbor coupling J 1 and the sign of the Weiss temperature Θ defined in the Curie-Weiss law of χ(T)=χ • +C/(T−Θ). Additional data analysis is conducted to verify the validity of the Curie-Weiss law fitting protocol, including the negative sign and size of Θ based on the high-temperature linear temperature dependence of 1/χ(T) for T>J 1 and m 1 g SH k T B B. The consistency between the magnetic antiferromagnetic (AF) ground state below T N and the negative sign of Θ in the high-temperature paramagnetic (PM) state is explained via the reduction of thermal fluctuation for a temperature-independent local field due to magnetic interaction of quantum nature. A magnetic dipole-dipole (MDD)-type interaction among FM chains is identified and proposed to be necessary for the 3D AF magnetic ground state formation, i.e., the Heisenberg model of an exchange-type interaction alone is not sufficient to fully describe the quasi-1D spin chain system of Li CuO 2 2 . Several typical quasi-1D spin chain compounds, including Li CuO , CuAs O , Sr Fe O 2 2 2 4 3 2 5 , and CuGeO 3 , are compared to show why different magnetic ground states are achieved from the chemical bond perspective.