-The quantum critical behavior of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the vicinity of its zero-temperature critical point is considered. The model is known to be renormalisable in the large-N limit, which offers the possibility to obtain expressions for various thermodynamic functions in closed form. We have used the concept of finite-size scaling to extract information about the leading temperature behavior of the free energy and the mass term, defined by the fermionic condensate and determined the crossover lines in the coupling (g)-temperature (T ) plane. These are given by T ∼ |g − gc|, where gc denotes the critical coupling at zero temperature. According to our analysis no spontaneous symmetry breaking survives at finite temperature. We have found that the leading temperature behavior of the fermionic condensate is proportional to the temperature with the critical amplitudeπ. The scaling function of the singular part of the free energy is found to exhibit a maximum at Introduction. -Quantum phase transitions take place at zero temperature by varying some non-thermal parameter, say g, such as composition or pressure, and are driven by genuine quantum fluctuations. At rather small (when compared to characteristic excitations in the system) temperature the singularities of the thermodynamic quantities are altered. It is then expected that the leading T dependence of all thermodynamic observables is specified by the properties of the zero-temperature critical points, which take place in quantum systems. In the close vicinity of a second-order quantum phase transition the coupling of statics and dynamics introduces an effective dimensionality which depends upon (imaginary) time in addition to space [1]. In this case the inverse temperature acts as a finite size in the imaginary time direction for the quantum system at its critical point. This allows the