A controlled quantum secure direct communication protocol (Zhang et al. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48:2971-2976) by using four particle cluster states was proposed recently. The aim of Zhang et al. was that the successful realization of communication between Alice and Bob needed the cooperation of a controller, Charlie. However, we show that the controller Charlie's role could be excluded unknowingly. Using fake entangled particles and Bell measurement, the dishonest Bob who generates the initial signals can elicit Alice's secret message without the permission of Charlie. A possible improvement of the protocol is proposed.Keywords Controlled secure direct communication · Cluster state · Fake entangled particles Based on fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, quantum cryptography [1] can obtain unconditional security. Since the first quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol was proposed by Bennett and Brassard [2], quantum cryptography has attracted a great deal of attention. QKD permits the communicators share a secure random key. Different from QKD, quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) [3] and deterministic secure quantum communication (DSQC) [4] are another branch of quantum cryptography, which allow the