The detection of gravitational waves substantiates the undeniable achievement of general relativity theory by increasing its theoretical and experimental accuracy. One century after predicting it has set again Einstein's works at the front of research. Absence of quantum particle associated to gravitation emphasizes that general relativity theory remains not included in the standard model of physics. Then Einstein’s disagreement about it incompleteness regarding wave-particle and matter-field becomes actualized. In order to circumvent these difficulties he privileged field, rather than matter for universe description in his program. In consequence a scalar field e(r0,t0) propagating at speed of light c yields matter from standing waves moving at speed strictly inferior to c, and interactions from progressive waves. Electromagnetic interactions derive from local variations of frequencies, and gravitation from local variations of speed of light. A space-like amplitude functions u0(k0r0) supplements fundamental time-like functions of classical and quantum mechanics. It tends toward Dirac’s distribution Delta (r0) in geometrical optics approximation conditions, when frequencies are infinitely high, and then hidden.
More generally, it allows theoretical economies by deriving energy-momentum conservation laws, and least action law. Quantum domain corresponds to wave optics approximation conditions. Variations of frequencies give rise to an adiabatic constant, formally identical with Planck's constant, leading to first quantification for electromagnetic interactions and to second quantification for matter.