We present a class of scalar-tensor gravity theories which admit simple Friedmann cosmological models in the vacuum and radiation-dominated cases. A subclass of these theories yields a one-parameter family of cosmological models displaying either expansion from an initial singularity or a bounce following contraction from an infinitely extended initial state. PACS number(s1: 98.80.Hw, 04.50. +h, 04.60. +n, 12.10.Gq I. SCALAR-TENSOR GRAVITATION THEORIES Scalar-tensor gravity theories have been formulated in two different ways. Steinhardt and Accetta [I] express the Lagrangian of the theory in the form where @ is a scalar field f with coupling to the fourcurvature and L , is the Lagrangian of the remaining matter fields. If we define a new scalar field 4= f ( @ ) with a coupling then ( 1 becomes The theory proposed by Brans and Dicke [2] arises in the special case that w = const and f ( @ ) a @' . The relative merits of adopting (I), as do La and Steinhardt [3], or (3) as do Barrow and Maeda [4], have been discussed by Liddle and Wands [5].By varying the action associated with (3) with respect to the space-time metric and the scalar field we obtain the generalized Einstein equations and the wave equation for $ as follows:for the prescribed matter content. We shall study a class of exact cosmological solutions in which 4 is not constant, using the methods introduced in Ref.[6].
FRIEDMANN UNIVERSESWe shall confine our attention to zero-curvature Friedmann models with metric ( c --1 ),
ds2=dt2-a2(t)(d~2+r2de2+r2sin28d$2) ,where a ( t ) is the expansion scale factor. We shall assume that the material content of the universe is blackbody radiation with the equation of the state relating the pressure p to the density p as Equations (6) and (7) then reduce to Hence, with (8) we have where l-1 0 is a constant. The case r = 0 will define the vacuum model in which p =p=O.The metric (7) reduces (4)-(6) to the two equations where T a b is the energy-momentum tensor of the matter content of the theory.Clearly, if T, the trace of the energy momentum tensor, vanishes, and $ is a constant, then ( 4 ) -( 6 ) reduce to the standard Einstein equations with a gravitational constant G = $ -I . Hence, any exact solution of Einstein's equations with a trace-free matter source will also be a particular exact solution of the scalar-tensor theory with $, and hence w(4), constant. However, these particular solutions will not necessarily constitute the general solution where an overdot denotes d /dt.If we introduce a conformal time r] through then, denoting d / d g by a prime, (12) becomes
This integrates to giveIf we introduce the variable employed by in the more specialized context of the Brans-Dicke