We present the quantum κ-deformation of BMS symmetry, by generalizing the lightlike κ-Poincaré Hopf algebra. On the technical level our analysis relies on the fact that the lightlike κ-deformation of Poincaré algebra is given by a twist and the lightlike deformation of any algebra containing Poincaré as a subalgebra can be done with the help of the same twisting element. We briefly comment on the physical relevance of the obtained κ-BMS Hopf algebra as a possible asymptotic symmetry of quantum gravity.In the recent years there is a surge of interest in BMS symmetry at null infinity of asymptotically flat spacetimes [1], [2], [3]. This renewed interest in the seemingly exotic aspects of classical general relativity was fueled by the discovery of a surprising and close relationship between asymptotic symmetries and soft gravitons theorem [4] that, as it turned out, has its roots in Ward identities for supertranslations [5], [6]. Moreover, the gravitational memory effect [7] appears to be related to the two [8], so that there is a triangle of interrelationships, which vertices are BMS symmetry, Weinberg's soft graviton theorem, and the memory effect. The extensive discussion of these effects can be found in recent reviews [9] and [10].It has also been argued recently [11] that the similarity of null infinity and black hole horizon suggests that the charges associated with the BMS symmetry might be present at the black hole horizon, so that the black hole might have an infinite number of hairs, so-called soft hairs, in addition to the three classical one: mass, charge, and angular momentum. It was argued in [11] and [12] that the presence of these charges may help solving the black hole information paradox.In this letter we will investigate the properties of a κ-deformed generalization of the BMS symmetry. There are several reasons to be interested in such a generalization. The main one is that it is believed that investigations of κ-deformation might shed some light on the properties of elusive quantum gravity. The deformation parameter of κ-deformation of Poincaré algebra [13]-[17], see [18] for a recent review and more references, has dimension of mass, and therefore it is natural to identify it with Planck mass, or inverse Planck length, which in turn suggests a possible close relationship between this deformation and quantum gravity. In fact, it was shown in [19]